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Date Feb 07, 2020
Location Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Mr. Darshan Shah, Director and CMO (Chief Manufacturing Officer) of Hitachi Hi-Rel Power Electronics Private Limited (who is also CII – MSME Panel Convenor) was invited to the CII –Yi (Young Indians) Gujarat Annual Day event (themed on ‘My City, My Future’) on 7th February 2020 at Hotel Renaissance in Ahmedabad, India to deliver a special address, in the august presence of Chief Guest Shri Saurabhbhai Patel, Hon'ble Energy Minister of Gujarat.

Young Indians (Yi) is a movement for Indian Youth to converge, lead, co-create and influence India’s future. As an integral part of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), a non-government, not-for-profit, industry led and industry managed organisation playing a proactive role in India's development process. Through thousands of impactful projects and activities divided primarily into three areas; "Youth Leadership", "Nation Building” and “Thought Leadership”, Yi hopes to emerge as the premier Indian youth organization having a voice on relevant platforms that work on solving India’s problems.

Mr. Darshan Shah graced the session and shared his valuable inputs on the excellent role played by Yi on empowering India’s youth towards Nation Building. He shared his viewpoints philosophy, how young could contribute to shape nation future and work together on solving India’s problems.